It's been raining outside for the last few days, and I've been feeling gloomy and out of sorts this morning. It really escalated when I spilled my coffee on my favorite blouse. So, back in my room with the blouse soaking, I've decided to write down frustrating things and weight them out with good things that have happened and that I'm thankful for. I saw this idea on another blog and thought it looked like a great idea!
I failed my math test because I ran out of time and didn't get to answer all the questions.
I went to my teacher's office and she explained a lot to me and I feel so much better. I'm retaking the test tomorrow.
I won't be able to take design tech I (or any art classes) next semester because my class schedule had some last minute changes.
I stopped by the creative services office (it's awesome) yesterday and I might be working there next semester!
The person who was supposed to buy my old Macbook backed out at the last minute today.
I might be able to fix it for my sister.
I miss baking and don't have a kitchen in my dorm.
A friend literally just stopped by right now and brought me fresh-baked cookies.
I lost a lot of my music library when my computer broke, and hadn't backed up my hard drive.
I've been enjoying lots of great music on Noisetrade, like Josh Garrels, the Sleeping at Last Christmas album, Beta Radio, This is the Giant, Astronaute, and Rivers and Robots.
I probably won't be able to do an internship next summer because I'll be working as a camp counselor.
I'm meeting with the head of the science department next week to talk about the possibility of being his research assistant!