That quote hangs on a wall in my bedroom, a reminder to keep my eyes open always and to expect to be surprised every day. I've experienced many incredible little things throughout my life, but not yet "the incredible something."
I know it's out there. Waiting to be known. By me.
Maybe it will be so beautiful and awe-inspiring that I'll want to share it with everyone. Or maybe it will be something significant only to me, a little something happening at just the right time to be a big something. But until I find that something, here are some little somethings I've enjoyed.
This summer I re-read "The Great Gatsby", this time for understanding of what could be found behind those haunting eyes and golden lights on the book cover. You know, I get Gatsby. He has this dream of who he wants to be and how he wants others to perceive him. He strives to be this person that has no cracks through which to see his weaknesses. He must have it all and be it all. He wants to be a realization of everything he holds onto. And Daisy...she is an embodiment of all his ideals - wealth, beauty, and importance, but more than that - these form a haunting, desperate, lingering thing behind a curtain he wants so badly to uncover. Gatsby builds a god out of gold-sand and it holds up until he gets close to it and touches it. Then it crumbles. And he knew it would.
And this fine fellow bellow caught my attention at an art museum. His turquoise blue and the mirrored shadows on either side of him are striking. He stared me down and then after I finished looking at the other displays in the gallery, I came back for a photo.