I'm going back to school in 11 days, and my family had been wanting to take advantage of this wonderful August weather. So on Wednesday morning we donned our fancy backpacks and hiked a mountain!The ascent was beautiful. It was a cool, crisp morning, perfect for outdoor activities, and it was great being with the family. God has blessed me so much. I'm trying not to think about saying goodbye yet.
Elena and I have new matching Nalgene water bottles because we threw away our old ones, which were not BPA-free. Last year my mom did research on BPAs in plastic and convinced us all that BPAs are harmful and we should avoid them. But no worries, there are plenty of safe water bottles on the market.
I always used to reply "the beach" when people asked me if I like the ocean or mountains better, but now I'm not so sure. Even though I am drawn to the waves pounding on the shore and lighthouses and gulls, to me the mountains represent everything that is pure and wild and free. They are a place where I am refreshed and feel alive and at peace.