This is the view out my window when I wake up in the morning. My family's apartment is on the top level of the building, and the aspect of the city is incredible. It is so good to be with my family for Christmas break, away from school and the stresses of life. I've been needing time to write, read, explore, and think. With a few weeks before I return to the states, I have a list of things to do and see and read. For instance, this afternoon I'm going to take my charcoal pencils and sketchbook and go sit in the city square for a few hours and try to sketch some of the architecture. Then maybe I'll go sit in a cafe and people-watch.

Please let me just say that the cafes here are delightful! Nothing like standard, unvarying Starbucks or Caribou Coffee. European coffee shops are usually non-franchised, small businesses that give you quality for less money. I had my first espresso today. It was served in a tiny white cup on a saucer (much too small for me; I prefer to drink my beverages from large mugs). I'm sure it was very good, but I hated it. Sorry, it was too strong and I'm too wimpy. I can do the whole trendy cafe-where-you-bring-your-bicycle-in thing, but when it comes to espresso shots, aka two inches of classy black death, I'm out.
P.S. That photo is not me in a cafe. It's me at the airport, three days ago. But let's pretend it's a cafe because I haven't taken any pictures yet.